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December, 2021

PowerPanel Cloud Safeguards Your Data with Well-Rounded Security Strategies

Cloud Solution

From Prevention to Strategy: Security is the Premise for Cloud Architecture

The growing adoption of cloud service in recent years has generated new possibilities and challenges. With more and more advanced network infrastructure comes a continuum of digital transformation to store and manage the accelerating expansion of data. Due to the availability of cloud service, many individual users and enterprises have transferred their application to the remote server. Regardless of the benefits including flexibility and mobility cloud computing has brough about, many issues are emerging along with the multi-cloud age. The security aspect of cloud migration is the major concern when everything is deeply integrated with each other.

As devices and platforms have become more capable of being used in various scenarios, a stable and secure infrastructure including your UPS system becomes crucial to ensure a proper operation. Every time a request is triggered, that means a series of data is created, being transferred and stored. The cybersecurity risks can happen at any moment during the process of data transmission, which can cause sensitive information breach. To face the rising challenges residing in connectivity-based networking, a reliable cybersecurity framework is not only crucial but also fundamental for every individual and organization.

Measures to Ensure Availability and Integrity of Data

When it comes to cybersecurity, there is no single best approach. It requires many security-related actions to realize a robust network defense including built-in features, encryption methods, and granular access controls. PowerPanel Cloud is designed to be flexible and secure to meet high standards of cybersecurity and data privacy. We only collect data of UPS performance and account profile information, using account-based authentication according to different user's levels.

Data Storage

A distributed system can mitigate the risks of losing data from an individual storage area network (SAN) system. To ensure a secure cloud architecture, we have control and governance to improve security management. Our cloud service also offers data backup for recovery and long-term UPS status analysis by storing your data in an encrypted form.

Data Processing

Being compliant to ISO 27001 and ISO 27018 standards, our cloud service provides comprehensive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) protection to track and audit changes to configuration on systems which have security implication. We also ensure that data is stored and managed with minimal required details, strictly adhering to industry cybersecurity regulations.

Data Transmission

Permitted and restricted data transfer is our major premise regarding cybersecurity. To facilitate a secure network, we use HTTPS protocol to prevent information eavesdropping and tampering. Users can take full advantage of our Platform as a service (PaaS) system safeguarded from data leakage and cyber threats.

Securing Web and Mobile Applications

Our cloud service enables web and mobile application-programming interface (API), reinforcing secure data transmission across multiple devices. Data information is encoded with encryption algorithm for data integrity and authentication.

UPS Systems
Mobile App
Web Browser
Keyed Hash Algorithm
  • The Module HMAC offers the possibility to have an implementation of the algorithm.
  • Data message is encrypted with hash value, which is similar to create a unique signature to validate the data.
  • Adding a secret key with data using hash function and mixing the result with secret code again, this algorithm makes the uncovering of the secret key more challenging.
One-time Password (OTP)
  • OTP adds additional barriers on top of the password layer.
  • It is generated through a random algorithm that each code acts as the second unique password.
  • Valid only for short time-frame, secure from replay attacks and identity theft.

Securing Cloud Infrastructure

Servers are where we run application, store and share data, thus the importance of a secure hub for network infrastructure cannot be neglected. To make sure your interconnected systems are resilient and safe, servers hardening with host-based defense and detection is the key solution to accomplish secure cloud infrastructure.

Verified Authentication and Access Control

Broken authentication caused by session and credential management vulnerabilities may lead to the event of hijacking. To prevent that, we enable the security controls such as breached password protection by encryption and limiting number of concurrent users to ensure authorized user's access.

  • Allow access to endpoint by verifying a token against concurrent access.
  • Use Network isolation to segragate virtual networks, this prevent shared processing of data to safeguard every individual's information.
  • We manage sessions properly that new token will be generated at every step of new session, and encrypt the data in transit.
  • We keep our systems and applications up-to-date to prevent authentication attack.
Secure Configuration

We foster the security policy including conducting regular scanning for server and application vulnerabilities. To enhance orchestration of applications and services, PowerPanel Cloud platform enables the testing and analysis of web service regarding infrastructure components, remote connection and file transfer application.

  • Implementing TLS1.2 as default secure protocol, our cloud uses advanced hash algorithms to encrypt data by utilizing the cryptographic strength.
  • We review and update configuration setting to enable secure web gateway.
  • We separate user traffic from managing traffic to ensure data integrity.

CREST Accredited

We ensure the security of applications and network infrasctructure in a long-term effort. To achieve and enhance commitment to international data security standards, we perform Regular Penetration Testing and adopt certification schemes to enable a comprehensive security framework. To be CREST accredited, practitioners must meet security industry criteria. CREST members including global financial organization such as Central Securities Depository (CSD) and Exchange Traded Fund (ETD), which are likely contacting highly sensitive and critical information. As one of CREST professionals, PowerPanel Cloud is ensured to achieve stringent and advanced cloud security.

Instead of considering cybersecurity in an afterthought manner, we take it as the grounding for modern infrastructure. PowerPanel Cloud enables multilayered and built-in security, and by working with security professionals, we ensure an upgrading and well-rounded security strategy to keep your data safe.

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